What You Need To Know About Ocean Ash Scattering

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If you have decided to have a loved one cremated and you want to scatter their ashes somewhere important to them, such as the ocean, you are going to want to make sure that you understand a few things. There will not be a lot of obstacles in your way when doing this, but you may need to follow some small guidelines. Here are a few things you will want to know when planning an ocean ash scattering event:

You Need A Special Box

Now, it is important to know that you do not have to use any sort of container. You can do as many others do and just scatter the ashes themselves into the ocean water. However, if you want to scatter some ashes and then drop an urn into the water, you will need to use a special box. You need a biodegradable urn and one that was constructed with non-toxic glue.

You Need Permission If On A Commercial Ship

You can rent a boat or use your own and spread the ashes into the sea from that. However, if you want to do this from a commercial boat, such as a cruise liner, you will need to seek their permission. The reason is that most commercial cruise liners have a very strict policy that states guests are not allowed to throw anything into the water. They usually make special exceptions for those with ashes to scatter, but they will want to have at least one member of their faculty there just to make sure that you are indeed only scattering ashes or using a biodegradable urn.

You Can Have A Service Out On The Water

You can have a religious, or non-religious, service on the boat before the ashes are scattered. You will simply need to reach out to your religious leader or organize the event so that someone in the family is a speaker. You can have a short or long service and then spread the ashes. There is the option of scattering them all at once or letting each close friend and family member take a little bit of the ashes to scatter them themselves.

With those few points taken into consideration, it is going to be much easier for you to plan out this special moment or memorial service. Make sure that you take your time with the planning, as it does not have to be done immediately after you receive the ashes back from the crematorium. You could do it months or years later. The timing is up to you and when you can get all of the memorial or service plans worked out. 

For more information, contact a local funeral home like New Choice Burials.
