To Inter Or Cremate? Helpful Advice To Help You Choose

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When a loved one dies without a will or a legal directive that specifies their final arrangements, their family is often left with the task of making them. In addition to determining the type of service or memorial to arrange, family members may also be faced with the more difficult decision on whether to proceed with an interment or opt for cremation. If you have just experienced the loss of a loved one and now find yourself struggling with decisions like these, here are some basic points to help you make the best possible choice. 

Religious Concerns

The first thing to consider when trying to determine whether an interment or cremation is the best option for your recently departed loved one is whether there is a religious reason to choose one or the other. While many religions take a relatively neutral stance and allow their followers to make that choice, a few religions do mount a more rigorous opposition to cremation, including those governed by The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and those who follow Judaism or are of the Muslim faith.

Taking time to speak confidentially with someone who has personal knowledge of your loved one's religious faith can be helpful in deciding if there are religious reasons to choose interment over cremation or vice-versa. 

Financial Concerns

Another consideration when trying to determine whether to choose interment or cremation is often financial. If the available budget for your loved one's final needs is limited, opting for cremation can remove significant costs, including the purchase of a burial plot, casket, vault, and the cost of the actual interment.

Scheduling Concerns 

When the death of a loved one has occurred in a far-off location, such as another state or overseas, or when the surviving family members live in many different areas, it can be difficult to make final arrangements due to scheduling concerns. There are significant costs and time concerns that must be considered when the remains of a loved one must be transported hundreds or thousands of miles to their hometown or final resting place. 

Being put into the position of making the final arrangements for a loved is always difficult. Opting to select and work with the director of a caring, reputable funeral home is an excellent way to make the best of this difficult situation. Funeral directors understand and can assist with all the arrangements that will be needed, as well as being able to help you work within the time and budget constraints that apply to your situation. For assistance on making funeral arrangements in the Barrington, New Jersey area, consider speaking to
